- Supraversion
- fодноимённое движение глаз вверх
Немецко-русский медицинский словарь. - М.: РУССО. . Болотина А.Ю., Ганюшина Е.Г., Добровольский В.И.. 1995.
Немецко-русский медицинский словарь. - М.: РУССО. . Болотина А.Ю., Ганюшина Е.Г., Добровольский В.И.. 1995.
supraversión — Eng. Supraversion Versión en la cual los ejes oculares se desplazan hacia arriba … Diccionario de oftalmología
supraversion — 1. A turning (version) upward. 2. In dentistry, the position of a tooth when it is out of the line of occlusion in an occlusal direction; a deep overbite. 3. In ophthalmology, binocular … Medical dictionary
supraversion — su·pra·ver·sion … English syllables
supraversion — |süprə|vərzhen also rsh noun ( s) Etymology: supra + version (as in retroversion) : extension of a tooth beyond the plane of occlusion … Useful english dictionary
sursumversion — The act of rotating the eyes upward. [L. sursum, upward, + verto, pp. versus, to turn] * * * sur·sum·ver·sion (sur″səm vurґzhən) [L. sursum upward + version] binocular conjugate upward rotation of both eyes; called also… … Medical dictionary
version — 1. Displacement of the uterus, with tilting of the entire organ without bending upon itself; such displacement may be anteversion, retroversion, or lateroversion. 2. Change of position of the fetus in the … Medical dictionary